Benjamin Werner

Software Engineer specializing in Backend engineering and Game Development

UKG - Software Engineer Intern

Software Engineer intern on the Core Payroll Team.

Improved SQL stored procedures to return localized values, providing thousands of global customers more accessibility to the product.

Fixed critical bugs outside the scope of the internship.

Rewrote over 50 critical and complex SQL views to greatly improve performance on our team’s SQL linked servers.

Created 30+ unit tests to ensure the sensitive and critical new features are stable even through future interactions of the product.

Madden 23 - Live Content Design Intern

Participated in a fast-paced Scrum development process.

Created hours of Madden Ultimate Team Content played by millions of players using MySQL statements, internal tools, and by working with Quality Assurance

Designed 1/3 of all launch challenges across different programs including All-Madden, Team Affinity, and the upcoming Campus Heroes program.

Successfully owned, managed, and delivered the MCS Madden Ultimate Team program, coordinated various teams to ensure the program reached its deadline despite numerous setbacks and uncounted-for complexities. - Backend and DevOps

Primal Party is a party management CRUD app using the MERN stack. I led the DevOps effort by creating and managing the Git Respository, Azure remote servers, CI/CD pipeline, and overall code workflow by enforcing branch protection.

Created CRUD routes using Node.js, Express.Js, and MongoDB; I also owned all authentication-related routes. I then wrote SwaggerHub Documentation for all routes.

Lastly, I supported our React Native app by creating the register, forgot password, and edit account pages.

People Vs. Everything - UE4 Engineer

My main side project for over 6 years, I am extremely proud of this Multiplayer Unreal Engine 4 game. Click "Learn More" to see what I've been working on, or go right into watching 4 demonstration videos on my YouTube playlist!

Other Projects

I have my smaller projects listed on my GitHub ranging from Machine Learning notebooks to a programming language compiler written in C. Click "View My GitHub" see them.


The best part of Software Engineering is you never stop learning. This list shows what I've learned thus far.


Through my college projects and Unreal projects, I am confident in my C and C++.

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is my side passion. Being a solo developer on People Vs. Everything, I've had to touch virtually every aspect of Unreal. I am extremely proficient at blueprint scripting.


After using Node.JS on various projects and learning React Native to support PrimalParty's mobile app I am now very comfortable with JavaScript.


Similar to JavaScript I have been using Python a lot lately. Whether it's for machine learning, or when studying for a coding interview.


My Madden 23 internship really made me a MySQL expert. All of my content was made on MySQL workbench, so knowing the ins and outs was vital for that internship.


Whether I had to navigate a remote server running Linux, setup virtual machines on a Linux PC, or program a tazer controlled by Twitch.TV donations using a Raspberry Pi, I can work myself around Linux.


As the DevOps guy on, I setup all of our IT services using Azure, including a frontend static web app, backend app service, CosmosDB, and an email sender. I then connected these services with GitHub to create an effective CI/CD pipeline.


After learning Git to use on my Unreal projects, I led the DevOps effort on by utilizing branch protection, creating an effective CI/CD pipeline, enforcing best code practices on commits and pull requests, and maintaing the repositories.


I've used Node.Js for discord bots, a tazer machine, and for's backend.


Using Express.Js, I created all the session-based authentication API routes for I then had to modify my teammates routes to utilize that authentication system. I also added swaggerhub documentation to each route in our backend found here:

Get in touch

Thanks for going through my portfolio! Feel free to reach out on whatever is most convienent.